By Cheyenne West
Rounder Magazine’s latest cover model Victoria Larko calls Florida home.
Cheyenne: “Tell us a little bit about your background. When did you move to Florida?’
Victoria: “We moved to Ebro, Florida when I was eight years old, then we moved to the beach (Panama City Beach, FL) when I was twelve. I live in Chipley, Florida now, and I’m a cocktail waitress out there. My family owns the casino (Ebro Poker Room & Racebook. It’s really cool to be a part of that community.”
Cheyenne: “Did you attend school there?”
Victoria: ” I graduated from High school there. I loved it. I’m currently on a break from college.I’m studying communication.I only have one class until I get my associates and like four classes till I get my bachelors.”
Cheyenne; “So you did a photoshoot for Rounder Magazine. Tell me about your photoshoot.”
Victoria: “I loved it. It was so much fun. I used to model when I was a kid and I stopped and now I’m recently getting back into it.

We went to the beach and took some photos and some videos. It was great. I went in the water, got a little wet, but it was good. We shot in October and it doesn’t get cold until November, December, so it was perfect. It was right at the perfect time”

Cheyenne: “So like me, I’ve heard that you’re an animal lover. Tell me about your babies.”
Victoria: “I have five dogs, three are Boston Terriers. One’s a Rat Terrier mix and another’s a teacup Yorkie. They’re my babies. I don’t have children so they are my children. I also have thirteen cats. They live outside. And then I have two fish tanks and two birds, and a pet frog. His name is squish and he’s blue.”

Cheyenne: ‘So you wait on poker players a lot at Ebro (Ebro Racetrack and Poker Room). Do you play poker?
Victoria: “I’ve never played poker before. I’ve seen it but I’m kinda nervous to try to play it because I know I’ll want to play it.”
Cheyenne: “So, no poker for you, but what casino games do you like?”
Victoria: “I like blackjack, roulette, the craps table, and the slot machines. I do pretty well sometimes and then other times I don’t like now (at Beau Rivage Resort & Casino), but it’s ok.
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