By Evert Caldwell, Rounder Life News Team
Las Vegas, NV : A lawsuit was filed on April 4, 2020 in Nevada on behalf of poker pro Marle Cordeiro. The 23 page complaint alleges Mike Postle used “illegal cheating methods to swindle” Cordeiro out of thousands of dollars. Cordeiro, who previously announced she had joined the multi-million dollar class action lawsuit filed in California against Postle, was not included in the Amended Complaint in that case.
Maurice (Mac) VerStandig, who represents the class action Plaintiffs, is listed as Cordeiro’s attorney.
Many of the allegations from the California case are included in Cordeiro’s complaint. The General Allegations state that Postle “..won more money than any other participant…This optimal decision making was so precise as to allow Mr. Postle to record net winnings in more than ninety four percent (94%) of Stones Live Poker games in which he played from July 18, 2018 onward..”
It continues, “Mr. Postle was able to achieve these results by engaging in a pattern and practice of using one or more wire communication mechanisms to defraud his opponents by gaining knowledge of their Hole Cards during the play of poker hands. To carry out this pattern and practice, Mr. Postle was aided by one or more confederates..”
Although no additional Defendants were named, it states that any alleged “confederate(s)” would be added upon discovery.
Cordeiro alleges Postle used some sort of device, “specifically” a cellular telephone “lodged between his legs” to access the Hole Cards of other players.
She cites a specific hand where Postle folded top pair with a gut-shot straight draw as evidence he cheated her. When Postle folded, the game’s commentator exclaimed, “It doesn’t make sense!”
* Upon close review of video footage, there is no evidence to support the allegation Postle was looking at his phone at anytime during this hand.
Another instance on May 6, 2019 is also referenced in the complaint as “evidence” Mr. Postle was “aware of other players’ precise hidden cards.” It describes how Mr. Postle visited the commentary booth and indicated he was aware that a specific hand’s broadcast had only displayed “two of our cards”. In Omaha four cards should have been displayed.
For anyone who is not aware, the stream is aired on an approximate 30 minute delay.
It summises that since Postle would not have had the opportunity to view the broadcast prior to making the comment in the booth, he “had illicitly accessed the information in real time, with the aid of one or more confederates.” It also states he would “have no real time knowledge” that there was a “technical malfunction” with the card readers, alluding to the fact he seemed to know his cards weren’t “reading” properly.
Hand In Question Had Already Aired By The Time Postle Entered Commentary Booth
However, upon reviewing the “evidence” including the timeline of events, it’s very apparent that enough time had passed to allow Postle an opportunity to watch the hand on the delayed broadcast, which would provide him with the knowledge that only two cards had been displayed. In fact, several players at the table can be heard discussing the hand and pointing this out, prior to Postle entering the booth.
Players Discuss Hole Cards Not Being Displayed On Stream
Seat 2 Jordan – (viewing phone) “Who’s SS ? Are you SS (pointing to seat 9) ?”
Seat 8 Postle – “The SS minnow.”
Seat 2 Jordan – “You’re not showing your cards very good. They keep not seeing your cards.”
Seat 9 SS – “I keep doing it, I mean…”
Sear 2 Jordan – “Ah, I’m not yelling at you. I don’t care. I was just actually curious what you had in a hand.”
Seat 5 Kermit – “Why did you fold the big hand ?”
Seat 9 SS – “The nuts ? (pointing to Postle) I just like him.”
Seat 5 Kermit – “I don’t think all the cards were showing.”
Seat ? – **Inaudible**
Seat 8 Postle – “Oh in our hand ? Yeah. (motions to his right where tv screens are present) It was only showing us as having two cards and it was Omaha.”
Seat 9 SS – “It’s crazy, I’m moving it, I’m separating it, I’m doing everything.”
Entered Booth Approximately One Hour After Hand
The table talk took place 38 minutes after the hand in question was completed. This is well outside the 30 minute delay timeline in which the stream generally airs. In addition, Postle’s appearance in the commentary booth would have occurred at least ten to fifteen minutes after recorded game play had ended, or approximately an hour after the hand occured.
Plaintiff’s assertion that players have “no real time knowledge” their cards aren’t reading correctly during a hand is also incorrect.
In an article on rounderlife.com, “Reporter’s Errors Lead To Misreported Facts In Postlegate” we introduce a video and explain how the control room communicates with the dealers to let them know if there are issues with a player’s cards not being “read” by the scanners. The dealer then lets the player know. This could easily explain why Postle and other players were “rescanning” their cards during hands.
We also raise another rather obvious point that no one seems to have an answer to. Why would Postle need his own cards to “read” if he was cheating ?
With over 1.5 million views on TwoPlusTwo, it’s amazing that the “online sleuths” didn’t uncover this information and pass it on to the Plaintiff(s), or that they (Plaintiffs) didn’t discover it in their due diligence process.
Are they inept, deliberately keeping the information from the public…or is this just an example of confirmation bias on full display ?
Since the allegations regarding the “Omaha hand” on May 16, 2019 were also referenced in the class action lawsuit, it will be interesting to see how the misstated facts affect that case as well.
The (Omaha) hand in question occurred at the 3:45 mark of the Stones Live – May 6, 2019 stream (*hand ends at 3:49:25).
Table talk about the hand starts at 4:27:25 (*38 minutes after the hand in question was completed)
It’s also a hand that Doug Polk featured in a video which now has over 750,000 views, entitled “Mike Postle FRANTICALLY PANICS As The Scam Falls Apart.”
Polk’s video was referenced by Haley Hintze in an article she penned, “The Michael Postle Cheating Case And The Search For The Smoking Gun.“
In the Hintze article she mistakenly reports that dealers have no way of knowing in real time if a player’s cards aren’t being properly read. Watch video of dealer being alerted via headset, then motioning to a player to rescan his cards.
Continuing Coverage of Our Investigation
New Numbers Cast Doubt On Postlegate
Rounder Report : Breakdown Of Mike Postle July 20, 2019 Stream At Stones
Postle May Have Played Regularly At Other Casino
Even When Gump And John S. Get It Right, They’re Wrong
Mike Postle Re-loads Twice In A Session He Plays With Bart Hanson : No Mention Of Non-Reported Add-ons In Interview With Win Rate Graph Creator John S.
I Told Mike Postle To “Make Some Money With The Moneymaker, From The Moneymaker”
Evidence Supports Mike Postle’s Version Of Infamous “Moneymaker Hand”
Mike Postle “Smoking Gun” Cheating Theory Flops With New Revelations
Mike Postle Asks Court To Dismiss Complaint
Reporter’s Errors Lead To Misreported Facts In Postlegate
Unearthed Evidence Exposes Major Error In Lawsuit Allegations
New Revelations Deflate “Postlegate” Narrative
Mike Postle Not Making All The right Moves Video
Statistics In ‘Postlegate” Completely Fabricated
In 2007 Rounder Magazine recognized Mike Postle as an elite pro and provided him with merchandise to promote the Rounder brand. No other considerations have been provided. Mr. Postle has never had ownership rights, nor has he ever been employed by Rounder. Rounder Life Media is not in a position to determine Mike Postle's guilt or innocence. This will be determined by the official investigation(s) being conducted, or through a court of law, not speculation. We will continue to pursue all relevant facts related to this case and report such, whether they support or disprove the charges.