Photography by Viktoria Kryvsha

By Dana Craven
Planes, trains, automobiles, AND cruise ships!! Most professional poker players find adventure traveling within their own countries to various tournament events. For Olga Iermolcheva, she’s a globe-trotting rising star in the poker universe. From Cyprus, to France, to Vegas, and many other destinations under her belt, she’s full-steam ahead with even more locales to go.
New faces in the poker world seem to come out of nowhere when they make their debuts on internationally televised stages. The fact of the matter is tens of thousands of players invest time and money into their poker dreams. Even though Olga has been grinding online and in live tournaments for over a decade, she finally made her presence known on two very unique stages.
Late 2022, Olga battled Lina Niu, Kathy Liebert, Jamie Kerstetter, and others, on the livestreamed final table of the first-ever WPT Ladies Championship. She placed 2nd and cashed for an incredible $70,000. Amost one year later, Olga walked out of a long dark hallway, onto the set of GGPoker’s “Game Of Gold” and into the hearts of the poker community worldwide. Sitting next to many of the biggest names in the game, her opponents would quickly realize why Olga had been invited to this prestigious, flagship event.
Rounder Life Magazine caught up with Olga – thanks to modern technology – while she was on the road to share her beginnings in the world of poker along with what life’s been like for her since appearing on the “Game of Gold.”

Where are you from?
Olga: I was born in Cherkasy (Ukraine), not a city, not a village. Was having usual childhood, was studying good at school, went in for ballet, but didn’t succeed much.
Where does your competitive nature come from? When and where did you learn poker? Who taught you?
Olga: Love card games, bets and competitions since I remember. I love puzzles and Lego. No one in my family is playing poker, I am the only one weirdo there (laughing).
My school mate told me about poker, but I was familiar with casinos, and I found out that while playing poker you don’t lose money quickly.
No one taught me really, I’m playing my own, wild, unpredictable, sometimes passive, sometimes aggressive style. Was learning mostly through the game, watched some poker videos, too.
What are you favorite aspects of poker? And why?
Olga: I love the process! I like to watch what dealer gives me, I like to fight for small and big pots, I like shuffling the chips, collecting pots. I like to feel the heartbeat when I get 54 of clubs and aces. Also I get super excited while bluffing. Love this feeling. Sometimes when I am bored I play blind or looking at one card only.
I like meeting new people. They all have extremely different backgrounds and it is nice to find out interesting stories from them.
I like bubble stage of any tournament. It is so exciting. I love deep runs, when any open raise from you can be crucial, when every pot is important, when every bad beats hurts a lot, when every winning pot makes you closer to the final table.

Who are some the most inspirational people in your life? Family and Poker and Beyond?
Olga: I am inspired from the professional athletes. Let’s be honest. Poker players can motivate only other poker players. But if we speak about professionals, we can not but admire their dedication, discipline, diligence, devotion, willpower. My role models have always been Cristiano Ronaldo and Roger Federer. They are never giving up.
Are you studying other variations of poker? If so, which ones?
Olga: I know the rules of the most of limit games, but I prefer playing Texas Holdem, the most creative and unpredictable game. And as far as it is no limit, you can go wild. I love this!
What tournament were you just in?
Olga: I was playing Progressive Knockout tournament, very fun format, a lot of action as I like! I know nothing about the average stack and money for the first, because they will combine four different flights, but I have a healthy stack with more than 60 bigs, it will be fun for sure. This is my first event played in Ukraine since January 2022, I am very glad to play at home.
Do you have any crazy poker superstitions? What’s the craziest superstition you’ve seen at the poker table?
Olga: All these superstitions and people who believe in them just make me smile. We can see how players at risk get up and take their stuff and go in the direction of exit thinking that they can “add themselves extra equity” doing this. Some people are rooting for their opponents’ outs. Some players do not look at the board when they are all in. Some have their lucky t-shirts (mostly something old and stinky). I don’t do/have that. I have some card protectors but I’m using them for their intended purpose, and not for luck.
What are some of your favorite poker destinations that you’ve experienced?
Olga: I’m so grateful to the people who make nice poker events all over the globe so we can travel all the year round. I have opened so many nice destinations due to poker, like Deauville, Campione, San Remo, Dublin, Baden, Northern Cyprus, Lima, Panama… Also I enjoyed playing events in big cities, like Vienna, London, Paris, Barcelona. But most of all I like to play poker in America — I haven’t played in too many places — mostly Vegas and Florida. My sister lives in Colorado. When I’m there, you can always see me throwing chips in Black Hawk – I love this place!
What are some other poker hubs across the globe you’d like to venture to?
Olga: I’d like to play all over America, in every state possible. I’d like to go to different poker series all around the States. People in America are very easy going, it is always fun to talk to them or just listen to their jokes. People know how to play poker and enjoy the process! Can’t wait to visit Canada as well — such a beautiful and unique country. Then Latin America and Asia! And Australia and then America again!

So you say “People know how to play poker…” Are you seeing a lot of growth in live poker in other countries?
Olga: Definitely! Poker is becoming more popular and it’s great! I want to attract more participants to my favorite game. And more women..
Did you know who was going to be in The Game of Gold or did you find out when you got there?
Olga: I knew nothing! I think, no one knew anything. The show was a blast! I think producers did a great job choosing the characters! Of course, I supposed there would be a star like Daniel Negreanu or Phil Ivey, but show was full of legends! I was surprised when received a lot of messages supporting me, especially after I cried. I didn’t overplay, I swear!
What was it like playing on a team combined with the aspect of “everyone-for-themselves looming? How did that effect your overall strategy?
Olga: That was tough and challenging for me. I was a total “no name” on this show, it was difficult for me to persuade my teammates do this or do that. When I am in a new company, too, I feel uncomfortable, and it was all on TV – so I was lost! Unforgettable experience!
All the other teammates were more experienced than me. From the other side it was easier for me because I was not really responsible for the decisions of who went first or last. My goal was to play my best game and win my tables. I succeeded with round one and failed playing heads-ups. That’s ok. For me poker is an individual game but it was really exciting to support my buddies!
Which round was your favorite? (As a player and as a viewer)
Olga: Of course round one – my first sit-n-go. A lot of hands were cut, but I want everyone to know that I moved all-in more than 20 times! I love the situation when you’ve got chip lead and opponents literally can’t do much. This is not happening often in my life so at that moment I enjoyed it to the fullest! Also I’m often asked what changed in my life after the show. People never fold to my bets. This is so crazy. They don’t believe! And the problem is — I like to bluff a lot!
As a viewer most of all I liked sit-n-go won by my teammate David Williams, where he was competing with Jason Koon, Fedor Holz and Dan Cates. Crazy table! Great action from all players. I have no idea, how we survived round 1, we were at risk!
Since the show aired, it seems like a lot of people want a spot next season. Would you give it another shot if you were to get the invite?
Olga: Pfff asking! Who would say no?!
Are you using any new tactics after playing Game of Gold?
Olga: After the show I made some adjustments to my game. Also, I introduced 10% potbets with my whole range. This seems crazy but fun! Also I started playing bet-bet-bet without my heart starting to bounce. So if you are in a pot with me, be ready to invest chips on all streets! I still have problems with bluffing and I can’t do anything with it. Sometimes they fold, though!

Did you have a watch party with friends and family when the show aired?
Olga: For me it was difficult not to tell anyone about the show. And I even didn’t post stories from Korea and I wanted to share my memories so bad! My family didn’t watch the show, they don’t know the rules and I didn’t ask them to watch it, because I think I could perform better!
Since the Game of Gold aired, do you think players play against you differently?
Olga: Yes, now it is a disaster. They know how I play and are calling all my bluffs and folding when I have value. I should play blind, huh?
Have any big opportunities opened up for you since the show has aired? If so, what are those?
Olga: They invited me to be on a cover of the poker magazine.
They invite me to be on their streams.
They invite me to play at their tournaments.
They invite me for coffee and cocktails.
One guy offered me free coaching.
Still waiting for the invitation to play with Brad and Leo and for Triton as well!
What would you like to say to your fans, sponsors, and any organizations you’re affiliated with?
Olga: Big gratitude to everyone who buys shares from me, who supports me, and follows my poker adventure!
Who are your favorite players to watch these days?
Olga: A lot! Victoria Livschitz, Lewis Spenser, Renat Bohdanov, Aleksejs Ponakovs and so much more.
Do you have any rivals? Friendly or otherwise?
Olga: Nooooo. This world is cruel enough, so I try to stay away from any negativity as much as I can. Though some people think that Lina Niu is my rival for punishing me in the WPT Ladies event, I respect her so much. She is a great person and lucky at some points, too!
Final thoughts. Anything else you’d like to say?
Olga: Respect everyone. Be kind. Do not support any kind of violation or discrimination. Be for peace all over the world.
*Next up for Olga, she’s traveling to the US to embark on her new adventure with fellow players from all around the globe on the WPTVoyage followed by the Seminole Hard Rock Poker Showdown in Hollywood, Florida, and then a few weeks in Las Vegas. Expect even more to come from this fierce, independent, and determined poker player. Be sure to add Olga Iermolcheva to your very own “ones to watch” list this year.
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