In early 2019 Rounder reached out to Stones and learned that a “test” feature enabling techs to “re-check” and “change” players hole cards during a hand, was operational in 2018. We were also informed Stones had reached out to Andrew Milner, the developer of PokerGFX for clarification.
Poker pro Berkey has been adamant throughout the scandal, that there was no way techs could know during a hand if a players cards were being misread, and correct the error while the hand was in progress.
According to Francis, Berkey was made aware early on in the investigation, of the fact Stones was using the upgrade. “I let Berkey know about the feature. I told him over Facebook messenger. I said if you do not see it, you are not with the current version. In order for you to see it, you would have to pay for the updated version.”
Francis said Berkey seemed surprised when informed, replying, “Oh, I’m not aware of it.”
This is a developing story. Check back for more from our interview with Matt Francis.