This story was last updated January 31, 2020 at 3:00 p.m. (CST)
Detailed Report
Report #1 Veronica & Friends July 20, 2019
Starting Stack
The first view of Postle’s stack is at 22:31 where the Stones’ graphics show “Apostle” with $499. John S. also lists Postle’s starting stack at $500, as does “Gump”. Rounder estimates Postle’s starting stack to be $465 (* $500 as a fair estimate and is not deemed a significant discrepancy)

The first discrepancy we note is at the 30:18 mark where you can see cash on the table for non-reported add-on #1. *No add-ons or re-buys were reported in either Gumpnstein or John S.’ charts for this stream.

At the 30:40 mark a chip-runner can be seen delivering players checks to Mike Postle.

At the 30:51 mark a clear view of Postle’s stack confirms he an increase of $400 in red stacks (two stacks under his hand).

The second discrepancy is at the 2:39:44 timestamp where we can see Postle giving cash to a chip runner.

At the 2:40:00 mark you can see Postle has approximately $320 after calling a $60 bet, before additional players checks are brought.

At the 2:41:11 mark a chip runner can be seen delivering an estimated $1,200 in green players checks. * In support of this add-on estimate, besides the front view, the graphics eventually show an increase of $1,200 to Postle, not from winning a hand (follow add-on and stack increase).
*Note – From our research we have concluded that when checks are added-on through a chip runner the amount is relayed to the graphics tech in the back and updated. Visual verification is still paramount as not all digital stack add-ons are accurate or reported.

At the 2:41:53 mark a clear view of Mike Postle’s chip stack shows an increase of $1,200

The third discrepancy can be found starting at the 3:27:02 mark after Postle loses a hand to Veronica Brill.

*Also of note is how far off the graphics are on Veronica’s chip count (watch video, follow chip stack increase). This leads to inaccurate reporting when digitally tracking.
After losing this pot, Postle folds his next hand pre-flop at around the 3:28 mark. The hand lasts approximately three minutes. If you follow closely you can catch a glimpse of a chip runner at 3:30:22.
When Postle plays the next hand, we can see that his stack size has changed. We determine that he has re-loaded for a third time, this time for at least $1,200. You can view the increase when Postle enters the next pot at 3:32:11. When he enters the pot the graphics show his stack has increased by $1,200 to $3.1k.

The Stones graphics list Postle’s ending stack at $4,700. John S. And “Gump” also list Postle’s ending stack at $4,700 with no re-buys or add-ons, for a profit of $4,200. Rounder lists Postle’s ending stack at $4,620.

For hand by hand profit/loss tracking report click here.
For a breakdown and comparison of numbers click here.
End of Report
* If you notice any errors in our report(s) please notify
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In 2007 Rounder Magazine recognized Mike Postle as an elite pro and provided him with merchandise to promote the Rounder brand. No other considerations have been provided. Mr. Postle has never had ownership rights, nor has he ever been employed by Rounder. Rounder Life Media is not in a position to determine Mike Postle's guilt or innocence. This will be determined by the official investigation(s) being conducted, or through a court of law, not speculation. We will continue to pursue all relevant facts related to this case and report such, whether they support or disprove the charges.