Crash Martin
“You wouldn’t believe the bad beat I just got.”
With pocket aces in late position, some guy in the big blind called my three-bet with a six/seven off-suit and hit runner-runner for a straight.”
“I flopped top two pair with my ace/king (AK4 board), somebody called my raise with ace/ four, also flopped two pair and rivered a four, sheesh, how could they call with that? “
“Wah, wah, wah, wah.”
As soon as we hear the litany of injustices done to our fellow players, we retreat into shutdown mode.…. Then, we think back to our own recent disservices.
My subconscious uttered, “Hmm, I’d have won every tournament I entered if it wasn’t for bad beats“.
Frankly, EVERY all-in-hand we lose should be a bad beat. Why don’t we all get that?
I care about your bad beat as much as I care about what brand of mouthwash you didn’t use this morning!
Sometimes it becomes a contest…. ”I went all in and lost with a full house to quads.”
“Oh yeah? I raised all in with quad sevens and the other player actually called me with quad eights!!! Can you believe it? “
There is always some nugget of brilliance heard at poker, keep listening, as I will, and please don’t have a hand that beats mine when I’m ahead.