By Evert Caldwell, Rounder Life News Team
Part of the “Postlegate” narrative is “Mike Postle never made a bad play” when playing on Stones Live.
“If you’re some sort of poker god who almost never lost, who made the right call or fold virtually every single time..if you were this good…why wouldn’t you be in Vegas winning all the money in the world ?” – Scott Van Pelt (ESPN)
“He’s never wrong. He makes every single correct fold, he goes all in at every single correct time, and literally never makes a mistake.” – @BarstoolNate (Cracking Aces Podcast)
“He makes every correct decision.” – @JakeToole13 (Cracking Aces Podcast)
“How does he do it every time ?” – Jake Rosenstiel
“It’s like he knows…It just doesn’t make sense…It’s weird” – Veronica Brill
In the first of a 4 part series we show hand after hand of Postle “Not Making All The Right Moves.” Each hand in Volume 1 was taken from sessions Mike Postle played in 2018. Each session was included in the lawsuit as “evidence” of cheating.
The first hand on Volume 1 shows Postle folding the J♣3♥ in a $715 pot on a 9♣8♣10♠7♣ board. Two other players also held a J for the turned straight, but Postle was the only player holding a club for the flush draw. He mucked the giant “freeroll” to a $275 bet.
If he was cheating on this stream as the lawsuit alleges, he certainly wasn’t in this hand.
At 1:59:10 Postle played a hand described as a “smoking gun” by many, when he folded the A♦K♦ to a player going by the screen name SOOB SOOB who had flopped a set of 8s on the K♥8♥4♣ board.
Joey Ingram, when analyzing the hand, mocked one of the regular Stones Live commentators for saying SOOB SOOB wasn’t a player who would make the all-in move he made “lightly”, as he assessed the hand. Ingram fired back, “SOOB SOOB has literally been been playing a ton of hands before this. I don’t know if they watched the stream. He’s a very out of line player.” After Postle folds, Ingram insinuates Stones production is involved in the alleged cheating.
This is one of numerous instances where Ingram seemed to be trying to “sell” the cheating allegations rather than investigate them.
Ingram did win two industry awards for his investigations (*Warning Foul Language), and has been credited with “solving” the case.
In the hand, Postle bet out $160 on the turn with the A♦K♦, and was called by action player AC, who had $2.2K behind. There’s no doubt Postle factored in AC’s position and stack size before ultimately folded to SOOB SOOB’s $825 all-in reraise. At 2:00:21 Postle can be seen checking out AC’s stack prior to the fold.
Another interesting ocurrance overlooked is the fact that a couple of hands later at 2:06:09 in this same session, Postle raised a bet holding trip Js, into a full house on the river. He lost $450 in the hand. He can also be seen looking down in a similar posture, as he’s seen in hands where it’s alleged he’s cheating.
There are numerous instances throughout the 400 hrs of streams Postle played where this same pattern emerges, where he makes some great plays mixed in with some substandard ones. So far no theory has been agreed upon by his detractors to explain the inconsistencies in his play, other than he has the super user mode on sometimes and at other times it’s off.
It could also be that there were interruptions in the transfer of data through his “bone conduction” hat, or it may have nothing to do with technical difficulties, and his “confederate” was simply on a bathroom break.
Another possibility, at least in this particular hand, is that the sixteen year poker pro made a good read and folded top pair.
A play that many GTO “solvers” believe is not the correct one.
Continuing Coverage of Our Investigation
New Numbers Cast Doubt On Postlegate
Rounder Report : Breakdown Of Mike Postle July 20, 2019 Stream At Stones
Postle May Have Played Regularly At Other Casino
Even When Gump And John S. Get It Right, They’re Wrong
Mike Postle Re-loads Twice In A Session He Plays With Bart Hanson : No Mention Of Non-Reported Add-ons In Interview With Win Rate Graph Creator John S.
I Told Mike Postle To “Make Some Money With The Moneymaker, From The Moneymaker”
Evidence Supports Mike Postle’s Version Of Infamous “Moneymaker Hand”
Mike Postle “Smoking Gun” Cheating Theory Flops With New Revelations
Mike Postle Asks Court To Dismiss Complaint
Reporter’s Errors Lead To Misreported Facts In Postlegate
Unearthed Evidence Exposes Major Error In Lawsuit Allegations
New Revelations Deflate “Postlegate” Narrative
Mike Postle Not Making All The right Moves Video
Statistics In ‘Postlegate” Completely Fabricated
In 2007 Rounder Magazine recognized Mike Postle as an elite pro and provided him with merchandise to promote the Rounder brand. No other considerations have been provided. Mr. Postle has never had ownership rights, nor has he ever been employed by Rounder. Rounder Life Media is not in a position to determine Mike Postle's guilt or innocence. This will be determined by the official investigation(s) being conducted, or through a court of law, not speculation. We will continue to pursue all relevant facts related to this case and report such, whether they support or disprove the charges.