By Crash Martin
We’ve all heard the lament ( and uttered it ), “I can’t believe I folded _____“ after the flop hits the miserable hand we folded. When it happens multiple times in a short span we start to think to ourselves, “I have to play my 9-3 offsuit because I might hit the flop hard.“
“If I hit with J-4 nobody will put me on it“… A very astute and prim and proper lady once said, “If grandma had balls she’d be grampa“. My mother’s shocking philosophy aside, the message is the same. . . if. . if. . if !
The danger is that we can allow it to become a bad habit if we start to believe it. The truth is, we must remind ourselves, what we’ve folded has no bearing on the next or subsequent hands.
A fellow that used to play regularly often wore a shirt that professed “NOBODY CARES WHAT YOU FOLDED“. It always made me laugh because, of course, guilty as charged.
Some sessions it seems that our premium starting hands never connect with a flop and our trash hands would’ve connected multiple times. That’s when we have to resist the urge to insert our heads up our bottoms and look for the golden horseshoe that allegedly resides there. After vanquishing those urges, remember, nobody cares what you folded.
Keep listening at the tables for these nuggets, as I will. Did I really just fold the 3 and 6 of clubs and would have flopped a flush ?
Crash Martin